Tech Chat
Tech chat will be discussing the issues in the modern and alternative healthcare industries. This will include health conditions, new products that are effective, ways to prevent disease and product or ingredient warnings.
*This is an open forum for anyone with questions related to health or products*
NSAIDs Trigger More Negative Health Conditions
Hearing loss in men as a result of regular use of NSAIDs or acetaminophen has been well documented and has a greater impact in younger individuals.12 This recent study has confirmed the same implications for chronic use of NSAIDs in women. However, long-term use of NSAIDs also have other implications that may affect your health.
In 2015, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) strengthened warnings on NSAIDs, including ibuprofen, to reflect the risk of an increased chance of experiencing a heart attack or stroke within weeks of taking the OTC analgesic.13
The risk appears to increase with longer use and higher doses, and increases risk of heart attack and stroke whether you have a prior history of heart disease or not.14
Pregnant women who use NSAIDs also had an 80 percent higher risk of miscarriage.15 This association was greater when the NSAID was taken for more than a week or was taken during the week of conception.
Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders have been associated with NSAID use. Risk factors for related complications include a previous GI event, high dose NSAID therapy or other chronic disorders, such as cardiovascular disease.16
Upper GI bleeding is a common result of long-term NSAID use. Up to 15 percent of all upper GI bleeds in North Jutland County, Denmark, were explained by NSAIDs.17
NSAIDs are also associated with lower GI bleeding and perforation.18 Overall mortality from complications related to lower GI bleeding have decreased but in-hospital fatalities for upper and lower GI complication events has been constant, despite new treatment strategies.
NSAIDs also cause skin reactions, although it is difficult to estimate the frequency of these reactions as only the most challenging present at a hospital and are recorded.19
In one prospective study of nearly 20,000 inpatients, 0.3 percent developed a generalized skin reaction, while another meta-analysis of clinical trials found 1 percent to 2 percent of patients using NSAIDs developed a reaction.
Ebola Virus
Ebola is now becoming a topic of interest. The US media is keeping us up-to-date on what they can release to the public. There are many other sources of information outside of the US that we are following.
As many of you know there is always information that is kept secure from the public especially when it comes to disease. Since the 1300s, the world has seen at least one plague every 100 – 150 years. Maybe Ebola could be the plague of the 21st century.
Presently, there is absolutely no reason for concern about Ebola. There is no reliable information that indicates it will become airborne or become an epidemic.
There are labs in the US that are working on alternative formulas to treat Ebola if it becomes a problem. These labs are staying in touch with us and will let us know when these formulas are available.
There are people who will not catch Ebola. If you have a strong immune system, healthy liver and kidneys, then your chances of contracting Ebola are greatly reduced. If Ebola becomes a problem in the US, you can start working on these areas to lessen your chances of infection.
During the next 10 days, it is best to rely on the local media to see if any of the passengers on flight 1143 or 1142 come down with the disease.
Ebola is a complex disease with many variables. You should only seek advice from a health care professional or someone who understands the inter-workings of the disease process and the human body.
It’s recommended not to rely on one specific type of treatment. It is important no matter what treatment plan you choose, to always seek medical treatment.
UPDATE 10/19/2014
Ebola is spiraling out of control in Africa. It is now at epidemic levels and the African Government sees no way to slow it down.
We are about 10 days away from knowing if Ebola could be airborne from the passengers on flight 1143 or 1142.
UPDATE 10/24/2014
Ebola is now confirmed in New York City, and the infected patient was out on the town, riding the subway and visiting a bowling alley just hours before being hospitalized with Ebola. During the next few weeks, we will let you know if there is any concern of Ebola being an airborne disease.
UPDATE 10/28/2014
It appears that Ebola can spread through the air up to 3 feet away from the infected person.
A negative test for Ebola is medically meaningless. Ebola can’t be detected until incubation ramps up.
UPDATE 10/29/2014
We now know that Ebola survives on surfaces for up to 50 days.OnlineLibrary.Wiley.com [PDF].
U.S. State Department plans to bring foreign Ebola patients to U.S. hospitals and spend up to a half a million dollars per patient. A 10 to 15-day visit in US hospitals costs how much?
Sources for this information:
[1] Washington Times
[2] Fox News
UPDATE 11/11/2014
So far, only one Ebola-infected person, a citizen from Liberia visiting the U.S., has died on American soil. He was originally misdiagnosed at a Dallas community hospital, which delayed treatment, and there are questions about whether the inappropriate antibiotics he was given may have contributed to his early demise.
UPDATE 12/05/2014
It appears that Ebola is presently no threat to the US. We will continue to keep up-to-date.
According to the CDC, the Flu Vaccine won’t work this year. The question has always been, do vaccines work and are they safe?
Vaccines have always been a topic of discussion. SB277 is stirring the pot and parents want answers.
Let one of the most reliable websites help you decide. Weston Price
Sources for this story include:
[1] http://vaccines.naturalnews.com
[2] CDC: Flu shot less effective; virus has mutated
Zika Virus
Zika virus is making headlines all around the world. Is it going to be a problem in the US? Does it have anything to do with dTap? Will Americans accept another vaccine? We will update this page as soon as we know.
Cancer is a fully reversible disease. Start here, then we can talk.
Prostate Cancer
The problem is the traditional prostate biopsy is hit-or-miss. The doctor simply picks a section of the prostate at random and hopes to get lucky.
There’s no question that doing fusions is more accurate and has found a lot of tumors that we might otherwise have missed.
It’s called “fusion” because it combines two technologies: MRI and ultrasound. The detailed MRI images, combined with the real-time ultrasound, allow doctors to spot parts of the prostate that look suspicious, and then target those.
Most men will live over 20 years after diagnosis just by changing their diets and adding specific prostate support supplements.
Prostate cancer commonly shows up in the liver after the gland has been removed.