Apex Energetics TerrainZyme Z-PLEX View All

Apex Energetics™ has been serving healthcare professionals and their clients and patients for over 25 years. Our long-standing commitment is to provide you with research-based education, cutting-edge clinical tools, and the highest-quality formulations available. Most of our customers hear about Apex Energetics through colleagues who recommend us based on the positive results their clients experience. Below are some key reasons for having earned the respect of the most-discriminating clinicians:


We have a commitment to continuing education for our healthcare professionals. Apex regularly sponsors numerous educational events and seminars on diverse topics, such as neuroendocrine immunology, the brain-gut axis, brain chemistry, hepatic detoxification, and functional blood chemistry. We provide innovative, science-based formulations, which are developed by leading experts with the careful collaboration of our Scientific Advisory Board.


Our Scientific Advisory Board ensures that innovations, important scientific insights, and the latest research are incorporated into all our formulas and educational materials.


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Zinc-Zyme (Z03)

Zinc-Zyme 90 capsules
Zinc-Zyme™ supports the immune system and proper enzymatic function by providing high-potency zinc.* This formula incorporates zinc from both zinc glycinate and zinc arginate and is balanced with copper and several digestive enzymes to enhance zinc's digestive process.*

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