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Acetyl-l-Carnitine is a building block for proteins that helps the body produce energy, as well as stabilize cell membranes to support memory, emotional health and cognitive function. ‡
What Is It? Acetyl-l-carnitine is the acetylated form of l-carnitine. Thetwo compounds share similar energy and metabolismpromoting properties. Found naturally in the body,acetyl-l-carnitine supports the availability of acetyl-CoA,an important energy generating metabolite. In addition, itsupports proper mitochondrial function and cell membrane stability. The acetyl group from acetyl-l-carnitineis also responsible for the production of acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter for optimal mental functioning.*Uses For Acetyl-l-CarnitineSupport For Cognitive Function, Memory, And EmotionalWell-Being:The efficacy of long-term acetyl-l-carnitinesupplementation was determined in a double blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial involving 130 elderlyindividuals for a one-year period. In this trial, acetyl-l-carnitine demonstrated the ability to slow negative cognitive changes, and supported memory andattention. In another randomized double blind study,three-month acetyl-l-carnitine supplementation providedstatistically significant support for mental function,including memory and attention, compared to placebo. A multicenter trial of 481 volunteers showed significantmemory, behavioral and emotional support with acetyl-l-carnitine supplementation. In an evaluation of 28elderly individuals using acetyl-l-carnitine or placebo, thesupplemented group experienced enhanced emotionalwell-being.*
What Is The Source?Pure Encapsulations Acetyl-l-carnitine consists of acetyl-l-carnitine HCl, a syntheticallyderived amino acid
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