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Nitrogreens® supplies a rich source of phytonutrients, including isoflavones, polyphenols, natural carotenoids, betalains, glucosinolates and isothiocyantes, as well as naturally occurring enzymes, vitamins and trace minerals. It supplies 100% all organic proprietary blend, which contains an extremely high chlorophyll content. The ingredients are enzymatically active and grown from heirloom seeds. Additionally, the contents supply a high ORAC value.
NitroGreens® Recipes
A Sip of Summer: Mix up a pitcher of NitroGreens® and add ice. Keep chilled until ready to serve. Pour into glasses with lemon wedges for a delicious and nutritious alternative to iced tea.
To Combat the Cold: Mix up a glass of NitroGreens® using hot water. Serve with honey for a warm and soothing, nutrient-rich alternative to cocoa.
NitroGreens® Brownies Recipe submitted by Dr. Alex Vasquez. Click on Dr. Vasquez's link under Events/ Speaker Bios to watch a video clip of Dr. Vasquez preparing these delicious and nutritious treats using the ingredients below.
1 cup prunes
1 cup almonds
1 cup wheat bran (or oats)
1/2 cup organic cocoa (no sugar added)
6 scoops(1/2 cup) NitroGreens® powder
1 tablespoon honey
1/4 cup water
1/2 - 1 tsp cinnamon
Product Warnings:
We have well over 200 years of collective knowledge in modern
and alternative medicine. We help our client's
restore their health.