Contact Us – SM Homeopathic Pharmacy

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Contact Us

Below you will see a drop-down menu to select "Reason for Contact", which is important so we can gather the proper information to help with your request. Any questions about health require the "Consultation" selection to open up the other questions we need answered. We can only help if all questions are complete.  

We also offer a more complete detailed consultation by email from one of our health care practitioners. Many of our customers have been able to reverse their health problems by completing our complementary System Survey. This choice is for the more chronic complicated problems that our simple consultation below cannot handle. You can learn more about the System Survey here.  

HIPAA Disclaimer

Vendors and Suppliers, please click here

Operating Hours:

Monday - Saturday 9:00 to 5:00
Sunday Closed

Physical Building Address:

629 Broadway
Santa Monica, CA 90401

Pick up orders for Orange County:

Call for pick up address.

Click Here for Directions
GPS Coordinates: N 34° 1' 3", W 118° 29' 28"

Order Online or Call:

Tel:  (310) 395-1131
Fax: (310) 395-7861

Authorized Healthcare Provider

We strongly encourage local residents to visit us for assistance. A crucial aspect of facilitating the body's healing process involves the practitioner's assessment of various indicators. Observations of the eyes, skin, nails, and physical movements can provide significant insights into the internal health of the body.

To expedite the process, please complete the contact form and clearly indicate that you are coming in for service.

Reason for Contact


Is this consultation for you personally?

Yes No

Intestinal problems

Gas Bad odor Bloating Pain Constipation





What is your reason for this email consultation?


How long have you been suffering with this problem?


Do you experience these symptomps sporadically, and if so, how frequently ?

List all symptoms.


Have you seen a healthcare practitioner on this problem? If so, what did they recommend?

Do you have any dental problems?

Yes No

If yes, explain.

Do you have any sleep problems?

Yes No *

If yes, explain.


What is your stress level?

5 or less being mild to moderate 6 or more being severe or chronic

List all diagnosed medical problems.


List all medications you are taking for all health problems.


Does your family have a history of these health problems?

Yes No

List all supplements you are taking including the brands.


First Name


Last Name



Email Verification



Cell Phone

Is this phone number able to receive text messages?

Birth Sex

Male Female *

Date of Birth



Gluten free

Zip Code


Are you interested in one of the following product lines?

Apex Energetics
Ortho Molecular
Standard Process
Systemic Formulas

Have you had any vaccines since 2020 ?

Yes No

Approximate dates

Prescribing Doctors Name

Additional Notes




*Required field.