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In stock for online orders only (call before in store pick up)

Price: $37.00

  • Description
  • Ingredients
  • Dosage
  • Size
(Herbal extract combined with essential oil)

Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata)

Black walnut (Juglans nigra)

Sarsaparilla (Smilax medica)

Neem (Azadirachta indica)

Lemon essential oil (Citrus limomum)

Other ingredients: Distilled water, Organic ethyl alcohol (gluten-free)

Recommended Dosage: Take 5 to 20 drops, 1 – 2 times per day, depending on patient tol
erance and sensitivity – Best used with PEKANA drainage remedies (take at least 30 min
utes away from the Ormed formulas)

TBD-CNS is an antimicrobial herbal compound combined with Lemon essential oil for the

central nervous system. It may help with inflammation, dementia, depression, and brain

fog. It may help regulate blood sugar to the brain affecting cognition and inflammation.

TBD-CNS’ ingredients have been traditionally used to treat parasites and gastrointestinal


(Andrographis paniculata)
This is a disinfectant herb with potent effects on various bacteria including spirochetes, viruses,

and parasites. It also has some pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties, including joints,

the urinary tract, and skin rashes. Traditionally used in Asian medicine (Ayurvedic as well as

Chinese) for parasites, diarrhea and malaria, it is considered to also support liver function. Stud
ies have shown it to be effective in the treatment of hepatitis. It also protects the heart by pre
venting thromboses, or blood clots, and maintaining arterial flexibility. It can cross the blood-

brain barrier to treat microbe infestations in the brain and nervous system. Because of these

properties it also is useful for heart symptoms, joint symptoms, urinary tract discomfort, and

brain fog. In Western herbalism, it has also been used as an immune booster and in the treatment

of colds and flu. Andrographis also helps regulate blood sugar and can lower blood pressure.

Black Walnut
(Juglans nigra)
The seeds of Juglans regia reduce ammonia content in the blood by synthesizing organic com
pounds such as tryptophan and serotonin (5-HT). They stimulate hepatic macrophages and
plasmocytes, and are anti-diarrheal. Juglans is antidiabetic, hypoglycemiant, and hypolipemiant.
It helps to balance the GI flora, treats chronic parasites, and Lyme. Its anti-inflammatory proper
ties are comparable to indomethacin.

(Smilax medica)
Sarsaparilla is used for detoxifying the liver and as a diuretic (eliminates sodium, urea and uric

acid). It also stimulates progesterone production. It is used for suppurative skin infections, for

hepatitis A and as an endocrine regulator. Sarsaparilla has long been used in the treatment of

syphilis. Clinical observations in China demonstrated that sarsaparilla was effective (according

to blood tests) in about 90% of acute and 50% of chronic cases. In the 1950s the antibiotic prop
erties of sarsaparilla were documented; other studies documented its antifungal and anti-myco
bacterial activities.

(Azadirachta indica)
Studies have also shown that the neem tree possesses anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, and cog
nition-enhancing attributes. Neem leaf extract has been prescribed for oral use for the treatment

of malaria by Indian ayurvedic practitioners since ancient times.

Lemon essential oil
(Citrus limomum)
Lemon essential oil is used for depression and brain fog. It is febrifuge, antiallergic, anti-inflam
matory, an alkalizer, eupeptic, antigastritic, antacid by neutralizing hydrochloric acid, choleretic,

carminative, capillary antithrombotic, leukopoietic, vitamin P (bioflavonoid-like activity), anti
coagulant, anti-ecchymotic, antihemorrhagic, anti-infectious (ENT, pulmonary), antirheumatic,

diuretic (volumetric, azoturic, uricosuric), sympathomimetic. Lemon oil is effective for dissolv
ing. Lemon essential oil may be of some benefit to people with Alzheimer’s disease, according

to a study published in Psychogeriatrics in 2009. The fruit juice extract of Citrus limonum was

investigated for antibacterial activity. The antibacterial activity of the extract on ten strains of

bacteria was determined by both agar well diffusion and macro-broth dilution methods. The

extract was variously bacteriostatic and bactericidal against Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6051, Staph
ylococcus aureus ATCC 12600, Escherichia coli ATCC 11775, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC

10145 as well as locally isolated clinical strains of the above bacteria and Salmonella kintambo

(Human: 13, 23: mt:-), Salmonella typhi and Proteus sp. The MICs ranged from 0.78 mg/ml to

50mg/ml; MBCs, 25.0mg/ml to >100mg/ml and MBC/MIC ratios 2.0 to >16.0.

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